Grow your sea kayak skills
Outdoor classroom
Meals are provided
Time to explore and hike
Emphasis on adventure
All Body Boat Blade Expeditions are done in single kayaks. Basic understanding of how to move your sea kayak using body, boat and blade, wet exits, and basic rescues. If you have taken our Foundations Level 1 or equivalent course, that would satisfy this requirement.
Onboarding: After signing up, we’ll send you a questionnaire to complete about your kayaking experience and general health to ensure you’re enrolling in the right class.
Our BBB coaches will review your application and send you a confirmation.
Not sure which class is right for you? We’re here to help! We'll match you with the best course based on your skill level and paddling goals, answer your questions, and walk you through any prerequisites. Just reach out!
Some courses are not listed on the schedule. If you're interested in a personalized course of study, contact us to discuss your needs and objectives.
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